The view from the dirt road that passes by the school – our little container library right in the center!
Muskut Primary School students enjoying some quiet reading inside the container.
Inside the container library – the stools brighten up the space and can be taken outside for leisure reading on sunny days.
Our reference books and ‘children of the world’ section – a new ingenious addition of Rita Field-Marsham’s, are among our favorite books to display in the library. The toys add a sense of fun and imagination, which we hope to fuel in the children.
As with all of our other libraries, all of the books we donate are categorized, labelled by subject, and covered in clear plastic for protection. This helps the children not only in browsing and identifying a book, but also putting it back properly and taking care not to spoil it.
The large container doors allow the light to flood in when it is open, although we installed electricity and tube lighting for cloudy days. The little desk to the right is for the supervising teacher librarian – just the right size to fit inside!