Regardless of what country you live in, all children should be reading and learning about the environment. We take this part of our library collection very seriously, and are always looking for new finds. Below are some of our favorite environmental books for children that we give to every primary school we donate to.

1. Why Should I Bother About the Planet?

Publisher: Usborne

2. Why Should I Recycle?

Publisher Usborne

3. The Story of Rubbish

Publisher: Usborne

4. You Can Save The Planet

Publisher: Bloomsbury

5. How to Make a Planet

Publisher: Kids Can Press

6. The Lorax

Publisher: Random House

7. Earth-Friendly Buildings, Bridges and More

Publisher: Kids Can Press

8. Eyewitness: Climate

Publisher: DK Books

9. Climate Change

Publisher: Anansi

10. Dear Greenpeace

Publisher: Walker Books