
Yesterday we (KEY) hosted the second Policy Group summit meeting on School libraries in Kenya, which we first brought together late last year in November to discuss passing guidelines, policy and the adoption of a road map with clear timelines and deliverables for school libraries. This meeting was chaired by Stephen Mau, Director of Libraries at the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Arts, and was attended by a range of stakeholders, from the World Bank, the Ministry of Education, Kenya Library Association, Kenya National Library Services, Worldreader, Goethe Institute, Ekitabu, Technical University of Kenya, St Paul University, Story Moja, and MOEST.

We are thrilled with the headway we made. The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sports, Culture, & Arts have tasked assigned each of us tasks to develop proposed government guidelines for the ‘road map’. If Kenya adopt guidelines, it will be the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to do so – and trail blaze the way for other countries in Africa!

We are now busy at KEY drafting various parts of the guidelines to presented at our meeting at the end of May.